January 6, 2020. The Capitol Building Riots

Yuval David
5 min readJan 7, 2021

Yuval David

January 6, 2020 —

A day that will live in infamy, a day that a mob proved how close America is to the brink of ruin. The violent coup is a horrid example of the powder keg and perilous state of our socio-politically affected society. Armed rioters stormed the US Capitol.

Extremist violence erupted in one of the most important buildings in this country. Extremists must be taken for their words, because this all started with volatile rhetoric shared online, then definitive calls to action and violence, and this surmounted with the shocking yet unsurprising attack on our nation’s capital. The rioters, who chanted “USA” and their support for Trump, also chanted their hatred of the establishment, of media, and others who differ politically. These rioters unabashedly broke the law by staging a coup, destroying property, threatening politicians and police, and causing treasonous chaos.

Their words and actions are based in white supremacy, racism, xenophobia, Anti-Semitism…their feelings are clear. Throughout the Trump rallies leading up to these riots, those feelings were shared. Republican Representative even quoted Adolf Hitler the day before. Who is to blame for these people being emboldened to expand their hate and instigate the hate into acts of violence?

Our leaders are elected to lead…to lead us all. Enough with divisive politics. Our politicians should promote unity, rights for all, togetherness, and mutual respect.



Yuval David

Yuval David is an innovative actor, host, and filmmaker with a creative goal to entertain, uplift, and inspire. His life and career are platforms for advocacy.